Sports Outreach Programs

The one week program is specifically for youths in rural areas around the country with training facilitated by personnel from the respective sporting bodies of Rugby, Netball Rugby League, AFL, Boxing etc. The program is conducted with the assistance of the respective Provincial offices.

Target Group

Players, coaches, referees and sports administrators.


  1. To train interested rural youths with the basic sporting skills of sports which have a large gathering in the rural areas.
  2. To educate participants on the rules of the identified sports.
  3. Train participants on how to organize sporting tournaments.
  4. Introduction of new sports for our rural youths.
  5. Promote health related fitness activities for the community.
  6. Promote Educate the Educator in kids athletics and other sports skills.
  7. To educate and train sports teachers in rural schools on the Principles of training
  8. To identify talents that can be developed to become National Representatives.

Course Content

  1. Sports Education / sports Science
  2. General fitness, warm up and cool down exercise: stretching and aerobics.
  3. Nutrition and drugs in sports.
  4. Skills and rules of the three games.
  5. Sports administration, club administration, organizing of tournaments, codes of behavior—coaches, players, parents and spectators.

At the end of the Sports Outreach Program, the participants will able to:

  1. Apply the skills they have learnt into games situations.
  2. Disseminate the knowledge and skills acquired to players in their team.
  3. Control and Officiate any tournaments organized in their locality. Boxing, Netball, Rugby Union, Rugby League and Athletics Sessions on Outreach Programs